1. Where does the TRAPS technology come from?
Is it a green solution?
In our constantly changing urban society, bed bug infestations are becoming a reoccurring problem as they have developed a resistance to the most commonly used pesticides.
In Eastern Europe Balkan, historical reports show that early European settlers used fresh bean leaves around the bed to trap the bugs. The back of the bean leaves is riddled with microscopic hooked hair (scientific name: trichomes) that can pierce the vulnerable parts of the bugs’ feet (scientific name: tarsi). As result, the bugs are unable to free themselves and can be collected and disposed of when morning comes. Inspired by Mother Nature and with the help of modern nanotechnology, our experienced engineers have successfully mimicked the nature-trichome into a sticky synthetic fibre cover with a trapping bio-mimetic surface.
These sophisticated geometric structures can easily ensnare the bug’s feet; it can also catch most parts of their body, effectively gluing them in place. Our design has already been tested in the laboratory-Department of Entomology, Rutgers University.
Our design consists of a standard bed sheet with a barrier fiber attached to the band, therefore most of the material is made with natural cotton, polyesters, no weave cloth, plastic protective net. Other components include small quantity (total is about 1%) of natural rubber gum, rosin conifers, and food grade diatomaceous earth.
As such, all the materials are completely environment-friendly and harmless to the human skin; the sheets can even be used for a toddler’s bed without risk.

Table 1. Cumulative number of bed bugs crossed wooden rod within two days period.

Figure 1. Experimental setup to examine the effectiveness of a fabric barrier
**Bed bugs were released into the left dog bowl in each experiment.
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Patent pending drawing
2. What is the difference between a regular mattress protector and the professional TRAPS bed bugs cover?
How can it accomplish both treatment and prevention simultaneously?
In the modern market, there are some mattress protectors that can help to control bed bugs.
However, none of these protectors protect the bed frame, the head board, or the sofa: which
are the most important bed bug infestation sources. Many of them are also difficult to install
especially for queen and king bed sizes.
Further, current mattress protectors themselves can easily be infested with bed bugs.
That is not the case with our barrier fiber. Not only can it stop bed bugs from the bed but it also
prevents new incoming bed bugs from infesting the bed.
The bed bugs are positively thigmotaxic which means that they like to hide in tight
spaces, therefore our fiber connecting parts have two silts which are electro-charged with
diatomaceous earth specifically designed to kill them. People are protected immediately. Bed
bugs won’t be able to reach a host go bite anyone the moment the sheet is installed. They will
be glued and contaminated by diatomaceous earth, dehydrate, and eventually die.
Our patent pending product is the only commercial product that can immediately and
efficiently stop, control and prevent bed bugs.
Here are our Wrap Trap Bed Bugs Sheet results
Here is what sometimes happens to the Mattress Protector, bed bugs come back again
3. Where do bed bugs hide?
Where can you use the TRAPS bed bugs cover?
Bed bugs are photophobic which mean that they are mainly active at night and hide in
crevices during daytime. According to the University of Kentucky study report and our
engineers field work experience, the beg bugs hiding spot is mostly near the place their victim
sleeps or stays the most (no more than 1 to 1.2 meters of distance) because human blood is the
main available source of food for them and so they will not stray far from it.
You can use our product on the whole bed including the headboard, sofa and chairs
(specifically in the case of a senior population and those who work at home). In theory, you
can kill nearly 96% of the bed bugs in your apartment, the rest we will eventually die off on
their own since they are unable to bypass the TRAPS bed covers to access their food source.

4. Why is TRAPS solution most cost efficient?
In what situation will you need TRAPS?
When you buy our product, not only do you get a bed sheet that eliminates bedbugs, but
also the exceptional quality of the materials. Theses sheets will not only save you reoccurring
extermination costs but also cut expenses on draperies because you won’t need to spend on a
standard sheet anymore.
For better results, it is recommended to use the covers as soon as possible if you:
- Know that your neighbour has bed bugs and you don’t want to be infested.
- Have been suspecting bed bugs in your home and want to confirm it and get rid of the bed bugs.
- Travel a lot and stay in many hotels and don’t want to bring back any bed bug with you. (Bed bugs are excellent hitchhiker and they can easily attach to your belongings)
- Are the owner of a hotel or apartment building and want to have a bed bug free environment for your customer without spending too much money on extermination expenses.
- Are a parent who wants to do prevention job for your kids.
- Are a family who had been treated by a pest management professional in the past and doesn’t want any more potentially harmful pesticides (which are often less effective due to resistance around your home.
5. How long do the TRAPS bed covers last?
Can they be washed?
Our cover has been designed to work for more than three years. In our field tests, the sheets can get rid of all the bed bugs after about a month of use.
The sheets should not be washed during the length of the treatment, that is to say about 3 to 4 weeks.
We recommended to use the TRAPS cover as a mattress protector, and to use your own
bed sheets on top of the cover. If the barrier fiber has accumulated too much bed bugs or dust,
it is recommended to replace it. We offer changeable barrier fiber upon customer request.
6. What is the procedure to use the cover?
Can you use the bed sheet yourself?
Before you use the TRAPS cover, you must have a clean and washed surface. Put every
drapery, including the pillows, bed sheets and covers in a plastic bag and wash them on standard
wash dry mode. If you have had a bed bug infestation before, you must wash and dry them at
a higher temperature. Then, simply install the TRAPS cover directly on top of the mattress,
including the headboard, then put your normal bed sheets on top of the TRAPS cover
immediately. You will be protected from any bed bugs bites and get rid of it completely.
7. In what situation you will need wrap trap bed bugs cover for sofa?
The bed bugs always follow us because human’s blood meals are needed for adults to lay eggs and for larvae to complete their development. Detect us by heat and CO2, so if we sleep in the sofa or long time sitting in there (more than 3 hours each days), you will need these WTB cover.